
Where have I been?  Well, people haven't been nice to me (or others) lately, and it has really impacted me.
I guess this just means that I need to really stress to my children, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I wish I could say that to adults sometimes. Oh well.

I have been SUPER lucky in the friend department this week, after such a rough start. 

I know I will always have the Hampson's, and will forever be grateful for that. :)
But, we had fun visitors this week too!
The Porter's and the Mills's were in town.

Tuesday, a bunch of us met up at our favorite park (Big Dry Creek) to hang with Jeanette and the kids.
It was really fun. Thanks for Courtney setting it up.

I missed Keegan a lot, and Cadence was a cutie - of course.
 He is taller and still loves babies! :)
Juliet was a crazy girl at the park. I love her!
I would have taken more, but everyone was having so much fun playing, and the moms were all talking.
I can't wait for park days to start up again!

Jeanette took a bunch of pics, so I will post those when I get them! :)


Today, Laura and the kids came over.
Mason had PT in the morning and then it was time to play.

The girls were dying to see Kylie and Maddie.
 Bridget, an ANTM fan - was working on her bootie tooch.
This was more of a hootchie tootch - so...we will keep working on that. :)

The older girls all played together. Daxton and Juliet were so funny to watch.
 They are about 5 weeks apart, but they look the same age.
Laura and I believe if these two have children, their offspring would have AMAZING eyes.

Here they are - the last time they saw each other.

They were so playful and cute. 
 Young love. Hahaha.
They would throw the ball and both crawl to it.
One would go up the stairs and the other one would follow. 
It was truly adorable.
 Little Buddies for sure!
This one should caption 
Daxton - "Juliet, let me find the keys!"
Juliet - "Don't worry, I've got it!"


Lucas came home and was able to play with the kids too.

Our kids played ALL day. We ordered pizzas, and had a grand time.
7.5 hours was a perfect little visit.
If Laura didn't have to go home, we would have had them over for dinner!

The obligitory group shot.
 Daxton 1, Scarlett 3, Lucas 5, Mason 4months, Kylie 7, Bridget 4, Maddie 5, Juliet 1

Everyone was sad to leave each other, moms included.
Then we told them we were going to Utah in 5 weeks and get to stay with them this time!

The best part of the visit?
Climbing into a REAL pickup truck.

Lucas even told Nathan all about their cool truck at dinner.

It was a fun visit(s) and we feel blessed to know and have such good friends.
We just hate that they are out of state.

Lucky for us, there are some awesome people here too! ;)

HERE is the post from when they were here last time, I still like to tell people Laura comes to visit me, and THEN her family. Haha.


  1. Man they are a cute couple!!! HAHA! I am so glad we got to play today. I can't wait to see you next month:)

  2. PN - FB - JH4/20/12, 7:21 AM

    You know what? I wouldn't hesitate for a minute to tell someone if they can't say something nice, to keep their yap shut. lol It might have them thinking they need to grow up, you never know. I'm sorry someone couldn't handle your awesomeness and had to be mean. I'm even more sorry it had an impact on you. They're probably jealous and insecure, isn't that why anyone's mean? I really love how happy you've looked and sounded in your blog, lately (not that you've ever not sounded that way, but lately, it's been even more so - like deeper, somehow, if that makes sense). I don't think you should hold that back or keep it in just because of some lame person or people. Be you. If someone can't handle that, too bad for them

  3. You can still say that to adults! And if they don't listen, just push them. :0)
