Cali Day Four! - Greek Festival

Today we went to the Greek Festival. Uncle Theo is 100% Greek, so we went to learn more about him, and eat delicious food!

Here is the front of St. Nicholas's Greek Orthox church, which was the sponsor of this event.

We got there a little early, so we grabbed a table in the shade and waited until it started:

The kids have been pretty great this weekend so we let them have a little freedom while we were walking around. After the national anthems we went to explore.

 There was a lot to look at, so Grandma, Steph and Phil, Bridget, Scarlett 
and myself, went to check it all out.
 This was a dessert station!
This was knick-knacks.

After we decided on our plan, we split up to grab some food.
Here is what we got!

You can click on it to see it larger.

The food was pretty good.
Lucas loved the lamb chops

Juliet didn't like the spanikopita (sp) it was too lemony for her.

Chris, Maria, and Adrian came too!
While we were eating there was a show with little kid greek dancers.
Bridget and Lucas sat up front with me to get the best view.

Bridget didn't move from her spot. She was so into the performances. She loved their costumes so much!

Mason, fell asleep.

Nathan took the kids to the game area.
 Then he grabbed ice cream for all the kids.
Lucas won a fish, but Nathan told him he wouldn't make it on the way home.
Lucas was very sad about that.

Afterwards, Grandma and the redheads, went with me to see the inside of the church.

 It was very beautiful. After we went inside Grandma and I went to buy dessert. Then it was time to leave.

I took the girls and Nathan took the boys. Lucas had a few more tickets to use at the game station so Nathan said he would go while I cleaned up. When I turned around Bridget was gone.
Like, for reals gone. I couldn't find her. There were a lot of people there and it was 92 degrees out and I panicked. I called out to her. Nothing. Steph and Theo went to look for her but couldn't find her.
So I went to the police station in the event.  I described Bridget and they weren't listening to me.
I had to describe her 3x. Theo went to the game area where Nathan was, Stephanie looked for her, Grandma looked for her, Grandpa stayed with me and the younger girls, but there was no Bridget.

So many thoughts were running through my head. This never happens, but I have nightmares of it happening all of the time. (stupid crime dramas) I ran the entire place calling for her. I started to tear up and then went back to the Police area. They said they found her, but she was with a man and I needed to provide an ID. I get there, and she told me that she wanted to go to the game area with her dad, so she ran ahead and joined him. The police talked to Nathan and Bridget and she was so very sorry. I mean, technically she wasn't lost, but she was, because I couldn't find her. Nathan didn't think to call out to me that he had her because he thought I knew. His cell had died, so when I called it - I never got an answer.

It was the longest 8 minutes of my life.

In the car we talked about why it isn't safe in big crowds to run ahead.
The whole car was silent. Scarlett cried and cried because she thought her Bridget was "losth."

Bridget apologized to Grandma and Grandpa for scaring them and running off. Sometimes, I think its good when things happen like this because the lesson is so important, and the feelings and reactions are so real. (after the fact, of course)

I was very scared and upset by the whole thing, but really glad I always match my kids.
It was so easy to say "she is wearing THIS shirt." -- see there IS a method to my madness. :) 
I pray this NEVER happens again. I am glad my parents and sister and extended fam were there for more eyes to find her. Whew! What a day. I still have the jitters from the adrenaline!


  1. So scary! Glad she's safe.

  2. Oh my goodness! How scary! I, too, am glad for things like that (that end well) for lesson purposes. Quin loves dogs - fearlessly. He was with some friends of mine and walked up to one that was chained up that he didn't know and got bit twice. My friends felt terrible, but I'm glad it happened because now he knows to stay away from dogs he doesn't know. The bites were minor, thank goodness, but the lesson was learned that I had been trying to teach him with just words. SO glad you found her! (And that she wasn't really lost!) That is my worst fear - losing my kids. Even more than them dying. Scary!
