Blessing Day!

This was our last baby blessing. It is really a great thing, and a sad thing all at the same time. 

Lucas and I were talking about how we always take a family picture on blessing day. On his blessing day there was only him, and on Mason's there were 5! He couldn't decide who was luckier. :)

Ryan and Grandpa Witte, Caleb Pearson, Greg Cleverley, Ken Mickelson were all in the circle. Kerry Pabst was in NM so he couldn't be there... but Dennis Hampson and Gary Oviatt - both 5 for 5 on our baby blessings! Super Special!

In the blessing Nathan said that Mason will be the grounded one in the family who will give inspiration to his siblings in their times of uncertainty.

Even though his life started out with some challenges, like the scriptures say, they will all be for his benefit.
Mason will be strong and healthy and remain wise and calm as he grows up.

Mason is a sensitive and caring person and will be the one who others look to for guidance.

He said much more, but I was crying through most of it. :)

And now, without further adieu...

Mason is so flippin cute! AAAH!

The sheep shoes!!! EEK!

Here is Lucas in the same outfit!

He was a little over 6 weeks here. Mason (below) is 5 months old. HAHAHA.

We waited so he would fit into the blessing outfit. It was 3-6 months size because Lucas was a beast, and I asked Cindy to make it bigger. It all worked out in the end. :)

So much fun.
I love blessing days. So much love and support and peace.

Just another fun reason for the family to get together. :)

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