A Simple Girl

I know I have said it before, and I will say it again. I am not a fan of 3.
But, I love my current 3 year old. Here's Why...
 Scarlett is so helpful and is really such a sweet little girl. 
She always wants me to pick out her clothes ahead of time so that all she has to do is get dressed in the morning. When I forget to do this (like I did last night) she will come into my room (at seven zero zero) which is when the kids are allowed in our room, and just sit and wait for me to wake up. Sometimes she will "whisper" Moooom,     Moooom,   (insert 3 year old eternity)  Moooom! (then in a more stern voice) I need my clothes for the day!

After she is dressed, she will go into Juliet's room and say in her high pitched baby talking voice
 "Hi Jules! Hi there!" 
It has become a ritual. She will talk to Mason when he cries and sing him Primary Songs to calm him down. 
I will get a video of that, because her cute little voice needs to be documented. 

Scarlett, being the middle kid, often spends a lot of time in the car - shuffling everyone else around.
Today was no exception. While we wait for (whoever is getting picked up) she climbs into the front seat and plays fruit ninja on my phone, and talks to me about life...as she sees it.

Today she says to me, as she is stroking my hair..."Mom I think having orange hair is pretty great, I just wish freckles didn't come with my orange hair." (Scarlett only has ONE freckle) She then says to me "I really love Emma. I sometimes wish she were my sister too, but if she were my sister, she would miss her sisters, and that would just make me so sad. Friends are okay."

Scarlett can be just the sweetest kid you ever met, and then the ugly cry kicks in and then I am quickly reminded how much I dislike 3. :)

I am so proud of this smart and kind little girl.
She has decided that this summer needs to have lots of purple po-sikas (popsicles) and Emma.
I think I can deliver. 

I am so grateful to have her in my life, and a part of our family. 


  1. What a sweetie pie. I think maybe she and Hazel have a few things in common...Oh the three year old stage. Gotta love 'em, those little cuties.

  2. PS: I love, love the head in the hands picture. Darling!

  3. I miss her so much! 30 days! I can't wait.
