Flashback Friday: The Blizzard of 06

Remember last Friday when I was talking about Nathan's job and how he had the WORST hours? Well, he had been looking and researching for what he should do career wise, when Dave Marshall told Nathan about this cool opportunity at OST. Nathan applied, interviewed and was accepted all within 3 days. We were so excited for the new job, the awesome pay and benefits, AND the hours! 
He was going to start work in January, so he gave his two weeks notice December 3rd (so he could have 2 weeks of Christmas off) at BC and they let him go THAT day. So, we went 1 WHOLE month without a paycheck. Also, this was the first month that the mortgage changed  for our house, so, to say that things were tight...was an understatement.

Anyway, he came home and it started snowing. It snowed for 3 days straight. It beat some kind of record.
Here is the backyard.
 The playset.
 I think they said we had over 30 inches. Here is the garage. The car in our driveway is Nathan's work van.

He drove it home so he could clean it out and then was supposed to take it back the next day. But, it kept snowing and snowing.
You can't even tell that is a van. Haha.
Here is the mailbox. TONS of snow!
Nathan was walking through it to see if it was wet or dry. This matters when you shovel. Haha.
We thought it would be fun to take Lucas out and see his reactions in the snow.
 All of these houses in the background are now different colors. When we bought our house in 05, the neighborhood was only 3-4 years old. Most of our house was still builder white. Except for the downstairs room, it was salmon. More on that another time. Ick.
Lucas in the drift. Haha.
A few cars got stuck in the road, and Nathan would run out and help them shovel out.
We learned a lot about how unprepared we were for "a storm" because we were stuck in our house for 4 days and we ran out of toilet paper! Nathan had to run/hike to Kristie's to borrow some.
We also were without power for a short time.

Since then, we have been super diligent in preparing for a storm.
We have our 72 hour kits completed, A year supply for 8 (thanks to my MIL) and plenty of "extras" in case of an emergency.

Lucas was not really into the snow. So, we brought him in and realized he was frozen to the bone, so we gave him a quick bath and discovered something...

You can't really tell in the picture, but he had little hives/pox all over his body.
We couldn't take him in, but after talking to the nurse line we found out that Lucas had Cold Urticaria.
After this storm we took him in to a specialist, and he was officially diagnosed.

Anything, even his cheeks would break out.
One time at church when he was 15 months old his hands broke out so bad, they thought he had chicken pox!  Luckily, he outgrew it once he was 3, but it was so scary and really ugly to look at. It can also be deadly, so we had to be so careful.

 After we warmed him up, he was back to his cute self.

I see Scarlett in this picture, and a little of Mason too.

We nearly survived December 2006, thanks to someone in the ward who gifted us with a few Walmart Gift cards, and a mysterious ding dong dinner.  Because of this experience, we always make sure to have money in the savings account, and food in the freezer. A humbling experience, and a learning one, and we have been so grateful for it. :)

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