For the Love of Babies!

We get a lot of comments on how close our kids are and how hard it must be. Some days it is, but the rest are pretty great.  I have never dealt with real jealousy issues when it comes to new babies, partly because they are still babies themselves and partly because my kids love babies. Anyone's babies. 
Juliet just adores her little brother. She can make him smile and chuckle and the funny thing is, if I were Mason, I would be terrified of "big baby" which is what we call Juliet sometimes. (think Toy Story 3, and how Hugs-alot says it) Think about it. He is laying on the floor and "stomp, stomp, stomp (Juliet laughing) and looking over him" I would FREAK out, but he doesn't. He loves it.
She loves his chin and has also become Mason's official binky giver. She laughs and laughs and laughs. 
I love it.
She is also very proud of herself when she gets in in and he can keep it in.
Mason isn't really into the binky, but he humors her.
They are going to best friends someday. :)

In other unrelated news...
she is drooling like a crazy person!
She is cutting 4 molars ALL at the same time, boo.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness those cheekies! I could just squish them all day long! LOL
