Kindergarten Field Trip

Nathan is such a great dad. 
Lucas had his first field trip today and he asked Nathan if he would be the parent volunteer. 
How could he say no to that?
We were going to join them, but since we are going in June to see the elephants, we decided to stay home and shop! Hahaha.

Nathan was the only Dad volunteer, but that's okay because he knew what he was doing. :thumbssup:
Nathan walked Lucas to school, came home to pack the backpack and the girls and I made Lucas's special lunch and put it in this super awesome lunch sack. We were so happy to surprise Lucas with this.
We made sure Nathan had a first aid kit, a sharpie, and a lunch too!
They made these T-Shirts, and drew a self portrait at the beginning of the year.

Here is LucDs - he used to write the a like D 
oh, the memories.

They split the kids into groups, Lucas had Michael and Devin in his group.
He was most excited to sit on the bus, ride the bus, and hear the bus.
 I guess the bus makes a cool sound.

Here is Mrs. Kelso and the kids.
Lucas 5 (the youngest in the class) Michael 6 (October birthday) and
Devin 6 (the oldest in the class August Birthday)

They got to see the new Elephant exhibit.
This is part of it.

Nathan had the kids in his group circle on the map where they wanted to go, and then they made sure to see those things first.

The giraffe and peacock were fighting, I guess it was some hilarious story because there were 11 pictures of this on the camera.

The boys playing the drums. Lucas was not happy that they were "behind schedule"
Can I just say...I am glad he went with his dad because they are two peas in the same pod.

The kids talking about their trip when they got back.
There are only 16 kids in his class, so it was nice to have small groups.

Nathan and Lucas walked home and talked and talked about how much fun they had.
Both came home happy. :)

Nathan gave the girls hugs and headed to a friends house to help install their new fancy floors!
Then he came home to change and went off to Round Table.

Nathan's willingness to be there for his children and family just makes me melt.
I feel so lucky everyday to be apart of this amazing family and life.

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