
Today was teacher appreciation day at school. Before we left to deliver the packages we had made, Lucas gave Mason a BIG hug and kiss and told him "I can't wait till you are bigger." I felt the love, the eagerness, and the perfect relationship that they have.  I never knew how much Lucas wanted a brother until this moment. He is especially happy he is a red head too. hehe.

I have been worried about their age gap (5.5 years) but in a year or two, will that really matter?
I doubt it.

Lucas will love to play trains, cars, trucks, fireman, or anything else, with his little brother.
All while keeping him out of the lego's. haha.

I already know Lucas is a great big brother, but how lucky for Mason that he has this awesome kid to look up to. I never had brothers, and I always wanted one. There is something to be said about smelly boys and the dirt and hijinx they get into.

I am especially sentimental this week because I have been preparing a talk for 4 months for church about Motherhood. I am speaking this Sunday (Nathan too) and I have never felt more incredibly blessed than I do at this moment. All my children are happy (for the most part) healthy, and kind.

I guess what I am trying to say is - I am lucky to be a stay at home mom and experience these little moments. I love these kids and all they have taught me.

Okay, gushing over.

Wait - one more...
Love these boys SO much!


  1. That photography class is working! I hope you take our pics when you come to utah this summer!
    Miss you, and can't wait to meet Mason!

  2. He really does have the cutest little face! Love it! And, p.s. Natalie and Quin are 6 years apart and they are the best playmates ever. Of course, they squeeze in a lot of pestering one another just to keep things interesting. lol :)
