ROAD TRIP!!! - Cali Day ONE

We had a plan. I had clothing typed out, itenerary typed and organized. Games, Puzzles, Snacks, Seat Assignments, ALL planned out. With five small kids you have to be this neurotic when planning a huge trip like this.

Our plan was to leave AFTER Kindergarten Graduation. No later than 1pm.

We left the house at 11:30.
We got gas, Picked up McD's (kids choice) and were on the Highway by 12:30pm. 
(Ahead of schedule, YES!)

About 25 minutes into the trip, I put in Puss and Boots and looked back and saw this...
 I was laughing so hard, and when I tried to pull it out, she started chewing again - in her sleep! HAHA.
The kids were being so good and then this strange darkness came over us.
and that my friends, is when it started to SNOW!
It was about 1:45pm and we were in Vail/Silverthorne and it was SNOWING!
We listened to the quietness, and then handed out the electronics and an applesauce pouch.

At 3:45 we stopped in Rifle. Scarlett woke up crying with a bad dream and an accident.
She was so upset about it, but sometimes that happens. Her dream scared her enough that it came right out!

We used this opportunity to get out, regroup, declutter the car, take out the trash and change clothes.
Right as Lucas got out of the car, he slipped in some mud and he needed a change too!
I already had the stuff out, so oh well.

We let the kids play with ice (above) and then went on.
Back on the road at 4:05pm
Stickers and notebooks!
Since our van seats 8, I sat in the back and read to the kids for awhile.
Then we put on the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack and made up silly dances to them.
It was so much fun.
We also put in Hop and gave the kids some Smores Goldfish!
Here we are passing Grand Junction. Bridget thought the whole place looked like giant sandcastles.
 I drove for a bit and Nathan passed right out!
 We stopped in Green River, UT for Dinner which we have now dubbed it as Radiator Springs.
Nothing there, so we went to 8:15pm - for dinner!
 We ate at Mom's Cafe. Apparently it is famous because Ashley Judd has eaten there before. Random!
 Scarlett told a stranger that her Uncle Chris lived in Pretzelvania! Haha.

We had been getting great gas mileage. We went over 400 miles on 3/4 of a tank!
I LOVE my van! We cleaned out our potty.

 Played a racing game and drove on.
We had terrible winds and dust storms and the car was needing a break so we stopped at 3am in Baker and went to sleep.
 I should have kept the 8th seat up but Lucas insisted this was better.
We were up and roaring to go at 5:30 am, but the winds were still HORRIBLE, so we pulled over at 7 and went to a place I am VERY familiar with...
The McDonalds Train Station in Barstow!
I know, I know, McDonalds AGAIN - but this place was too cool to pass up!
It is so cool seeing people in their jammies at this restaurant. I couldn't change the kids for this!
After breakfast we were on the road by 8:20am. Passed this fun sign:
 About 45 minuted into Pasadena - the clouds opened up and started dumping!
 We ran some errands and then got to the Horn's at 12:15pm.
 Forget that it was time to get out of the was GRANDPA!!!!
I swear Lucas floated in the air to get to him. (this kid was dying to see his grandpa!)

The kids needed to get out after our 17 hours in the car, 21 hours total.
We took our time and enjoyed the trip, but lets face it - a pool trumps it all!

 The kids had a blast, and kept asking for Grandma. Mason thoroughly enjoyed the exercsaucer!

 LOVE this one!

The kids were like little fishes in this paradise:

 I don't know what happened here, but its funny to me.

Grandpa BBQd lunch and then GRANDMA came!!!
 WE had BBQ for dinner too!
 Eventhough we had showered and were done, I couldn't keep these kids inside or away from the pool.
 I honestly don't blame them!  They were awesome travelers and deserved a fun night of freedom.

A shout out to Nathan, who drove 14 of the 17 hours.
I would have driven more, but the wind was totally freaking me out.

I am glad we made it safe and unscathed. I can't wait to see my sis and my nephew tomorrow!

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