5 months! (3 months)

and VIDEO time!!!
This one is annoying (bc of me), but he makes sounds!
And this one (below) is my favorite!
Nathan and I are trying to get him to smile. He loves when you blow on his hair.
Go figure!

He is making big strides in Physical Therapy. He is not as tense as he once was. 
It is so hard sometimes to have him not meeting the developmental requirements of a 5 month old, but, he is right on track for a 3 month old.  I have to remember that he is special, and taking his time so that I relax and enjoy the fact that he is my last baby. A lot of times we rush through life and forget the precious little moments, Mason is teaching me to really stop and really appreciate the little things.

The cooing, the shocked faces, the open hand scares, all apart of our day. 
I will admit that I haven't looked back and re read what we went through because I can't even handle the fact that we almost lost him, or me. It was such a tough time, and I am not only stronger for it, but a better mother because of it. 

Way to end a post huh? Sorry about that. 
off to grab a tissue.

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