Flashback Friday: Chicken Lucas

I found this costume at Babies R Us, and knew Lucas needed to have it for his first Halloween. 
Since we always dress in theme, Nathan really wanted to be colonel Sanders, but I nixed that and we were farmers.  I was also in charge of the Ward Activity, since that was my calling at the time so Nathan's parents came to help us!

Before the ward activity, I took Lucas to the pumpkin patch to get some great pictures of him in his costume. People were staring at me, but I didn't care!
 Lucas was less than happy at first. So I sang to him and that seemed to work for a little while.

 What are you doing mom?
 Look as his neck fat! haha.
 I love this one because he looks like he is dancing!
 Then he fell asleep. Lucas ALWAYS would fall asleep. He didn't "wake up" until he was 5 months old. Haha.
 Here is Lucas just lookin chubby. 

Then I took pics of him in front of my house. Remember when it used to be white? 

 He was so mad in these. SO HILARIOUS.
 Sneaky Sneaky!

and then he was done.

I did manage to get a SUPER CUTE pic of Lucas:
and this is the one I sent out for Halloween.
Yes, I had so much time on my hands, that I sent out Halloween cards.
Those were the days. Haha.

The activity went well, we did not take him trick or treating.
We hid out in our house and watched a movie in our room for Halloween that year.

I miss this baby so much. I also miss the time when I only had one kid. :)

1 comment:

  1. He is adorable! : ) I use to send out cards for every holiday as well! lol Oh the difference just having one makes but I also remember not being able to use the bathroom during the day because I couldn't "leave the baby" lol.
