7 years of N+V

in the chapel at the alkire when we first met -- you knew 2/04
in 2 different states during our first fight -- i knew 7/04
in the primary room at summit grove -- we knew 8/04
that we'd find a modest box and make it our home
that there were babies that were to be ours
that there were years to spend
and that we'd be together -- for all of it.
you bought a ring
you flew out and asked me in the rain, while taking our engagements
seven years since roses and sunrise, sunset
seven years since morningside manor
seven years since our dear friends gathered
and sweet promises made
5 beautiful combinations of each of us
5 crazy personalities that somehow are "just like" each of us
5 interesting nesting periods, involving lots of trash bags
15+ room renovations, all with a smile
3 vehicles to get us all where we need to be
3 jobs and the ups and downs that were/are a part of our lives
no sign of the "7 year itch"
each of us grateful for the other, everyday
constant rediscovery of each other, and loving the mate more and more

happy anniversary, love


  1. You can totally tell you lost some weight! awesome job sexy val!

  2. Yay for teeth!

    I mean this in a good way, so I hope you take it as a compliment... I finally figured out that you remind me of Cher, pre-plastic surgery. I loved her way back in the Nick at Nite days of Sonny and Cher...

    Oh yeah, and happy anniversary!

  3. 17 pounds what an inspiration! I wish I couldbe that dedicated. Happy Anniversaty.
