A Special Lunch

Here is Juliet's special Birthday Song (yesterday)

Today for her "special lunch" we told the kids we were going to go to McDonald's, this was most exciting because we NEVER eat at McDonald's. Then I told the kids that Nathan was taking the day off work and that they were going to play in the play place INSIDE the McDonald's. The kids could hardly sleep last night, they were so excited. We never, ever, eat inside a fast food restaurant! The kids told their friends, their teachers, this was better than breakfast for dinner!

But, in reality, this wasn't the only thing special for lunch...

Grandma and Grandpa Horn came to visit! :)  This surprise visit was brought to you by our last "surprise visit"
The kids got to have caramel sundaes while Grandma and Grandpa ate.
Then they played together, and had little chats with each other.
Mason was there too!
And Juliet was loving her new found freedom!

After their "delicious" and "special" lunch, Grandma and Grandpa needed to get a special errand out of the way. Lucas rode in their rental and talked their ears off. So much so that he didn't even notice where we were going! Meanwhile in our car, right as we made the turn - Bridget yells "Babies R Us, Toys R Us!"

The kids each got to pick out a toy at Toys R Us! 
Lucas picked a Rescue Hero Firetruck, Bridget picked Baby Alive, and Scarlett picked a My Little Pony RC Car. They spotted these crayon banks and I got to tell them that I had a purple one when I was a little girl.

We came back to our house and the kids played with their toys with Grandma and Grandpa.
 Bridget proved herself to be a great little mommy. :)

Then my parents went to the hotel, we cleaned up and drove to Boulder for dinner.
 I love Boulder.

We went to a place called The Sink it was featured on Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives!
 It was such a cool place.
 The booths were made of pipes (kitchen pipes) :)
 We ordered the Slaughter House V and shared it.
 Nathan ordered the ShoeString Burger and it was delicious.
In fact, everything we ate was delicious!

We ate so well, that a mere 8 minutes later we hopped over to 5 Guys Burgers and Fries
 We needed to try the fries!
So tonight's fries were from Blackfoot, ID. Doesn't Lucas look thrilled?
Almost as thrilled as Grandpa. Haha. It was look weird for Valerie night, I guess?
 We tried the regular and the cajun.
Both, fantastic!

When we left 5 guys, it started SNOWING!
So we high five'd the hand prints to the car and headed home.

Super awesome and fun start to the weekend!

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