
I know I always say this - but I am going to say it again.

All I wanted was a white wedding.
I didn't get one.
I have had a white anniversary every year since.

I'll take it. :)
We got 11 inches today. It is still snowing.
The kids took naps JUST so they could go play in it the rest of the afternoon.

In regular Witte fashion...we pulled out the roped sled.
Juliet stood at the window and watched...
The kids and Nathan built a slide. Oh, Nathan's office and a lot of Denver was closed today because of the snow. Conifer got 38 inches today! AND it's still snowing!

 Hi juju!

Now - Nathan usually runs the kids up and down the street. It is really fun for them.
Until something breaks...
Can you see what happened here?
No one was hurt, mostly everyone laughed about it.

Then we grabbed the other sled.

They decided it wasn't as fun so they decided just to use it as a slide.

Until that became, unfun.

So, they moved on to digging out a snow cave.

The kids and 1/2 of Nathan fit inside!
The kids were having so much fun, the neighbors came over to ask if they could play in the cave too.

I went in to check on Juliet who was "playing" with Mason
Oh, that girl! Haha.

The kids then decided to run and jump off the stairs into the snow!

Good fun was had by all.
It is still snowing and we are loving every second of it!


  1. First Off, love the new Pics! Second, Happy anniversary and third, Vail had that Ute come and do a snow dance so Colorado finally gome some moisture :)

  2. I love the picture of Lucas jumping off the stairs into the snow. He looks so athletic and ready to train for the triple jump-knee up. We are jealous you're getting all that beautiful moisture to play in. :)
