Konnichiwa and Sayonara

We met Grandma and Grandpa at Flat Irons for some crazy Dinosaur time.

It was weirdly busy, but it was a holiday.

 Juliet LOVED this place. It was almost worth the germs to see that cute face!
 Lucas found a friend from last year's Preschool. Ashlynn's mom recognized Lucas right away. :)

After an hour of jungle gym time, we decided to go to Benihana. 
My Grandma and Grandpa Horn used to take us there ALL of the time when I was little.
 Juliet snapped this one of herself. Haha.
Grandma was showing Lucas how to play sudoku on the menu.

Then it was time for Israel, our Hispanic, Japanese chef, to cook. Lucas was enthralled.
 It was such a fun show!
 Here he is making an egg--roll. Lucas totally got the joke and was laughing and laughing at that.
 Here the kids are oohing at the egg cracking. He also did the shrimp tail in the hat deal. Loved it. :)

 It was time to part ways, and so everyone got hugs and kisses and a Reese's Heart. 

It was a great long weekend, and I am so glad my parents came out.

Tears were shed, and the kids were so sad for them to leave.

For FHE and to cheer the kids up, we played Benihana for Dinner.
 Nathan tried to imitate the clanging of the spatulas and such, but the kids booed in a teasing manner. 
 But, Pancakes and Sausage are always winners in our house. The picture came out weird. Oh well.

A neat ending to a fun weekend. Back to the daily grind tomorrow. :)


  1. you look great! How much have you lost now? 23?

  2. Ehmmah Wottson2/23/12, 10:41 AM

    I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your lovely parents. It's never easy. I'm glad you had fun. Nathan should open his own pancakes-Japanese-style restaurant, perhaps with a slightly larger hat though.
