A Random Observation

I was on the phone with a friend yesterday afternoon.
I haven't talked to her in ages. (that was supposed to date me)

I went upstairs to put some freshly folded, still warm, towels in the linen closet when
I looked over to my right.

This is what I observed:

Can I say that I LOVE Lucas?
He is meticulous in keeping his room clean.

I think it is because he realizes that if he keeps it clean through out the day, he doesn't waste 15 minutes before bed cleaning it up like the girls do.  They have to have their rooms cleaned before they go to bed.

I won't go into specifics as to why this has had to become a rule.
Okay, now that you get what I am talking about.
It is just so funny how different everyone can be, even though we raise them in the same house with the same rules. :)  The girls spend all day destroying playing in their room and as long as it isn't strewn across the whole house, and as long as it gets cleaned up before bed, I am happy.

Either way, this has reduced the yelling, screaming, crying, tantrums, stern voices, on both sides. 
And in my book, that means I am doing all right. 

One day - they will get Lucas's ways and he will then become a messy, stinky, teenager and the first picture will be in reverse. HAHAHA.


  1. Awesome. Lucas reminds me of you when you were in the 3rd grade. Do you remember?

  2. It's the exact opposite at our house. My girls are WAY cleaner than the boys. Isn't it funny how different they are?
