We're Baaaaack!

Since I was on bedrest for an eternity, we haven't been going to church regularly. I either couldn't go, or we were avoiding potential sickness that the nursery church seems to be.  I have a Primary calling so since January started, and I was no longer pregnant/on bedrest, it was time to go back. Well, Mason came home the 2nd week of January and they told us to avoid the plague, the dirty handed people, the runny noses, potential sickness/RSV that church can be so we had Nathan stay home with the babies and I took the older kids with me.

Then, Mason got off oxygen, passed a bunch of tests, and is over 8 pounds, so we tried it out today.
We ALL went to church for the first time since October!

It went well, they all were good, and I held my ground on the NO HOLDING MY BABY rule!
Usually, I don't care, but Mason cannot get sick. So he stayed in his little carrier bubble and went to class with me. My class is older and left him alone!

We all matched. I found these dresses in the closet and found a matching one for my miss 5-6 girl!

I was looking for the last time they wore them and found THIS POST where they were wearing them. 
I laughed and laughed at how I said I was "going to relinquish control" - only because I only had 3 kids then and thought I was a control freak THEN. I am not as psycho as I used to be, but I still have my things...Matching Sundays are one! LOL

I just can't help myself. I LOVE that we always look like a unit.

Mason was great at church and surprisingly, Juliet was too. 
Those who have EVER had a kid 11-17 months at church knows what I am referring to.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. your matchiness never ceases to amaze me.
