Laughing Over Here

The kids were BEGGING, PLEADING, NEGOTIATING, to go outside today.

It was 68 perfect weather, but if they ride out front I have to be out there.

I am dealing with a cold on top of everything else and my neighbor set up a camping chair for me to sit on and he told me he would stay out and help me watch the kids too. So grateful.

So I sat out on the chair, Juliet enjoyed her Vitamin D intake and the fiber from the 1/2 dead grass and Fireman Brian sat with me while the kids rode their bikes out front.

Scarlett grabbed her jacket and then rode Lucas's scooter down the driveway like this...

Fireman Brian (because that's his name) and I laughed and then asked her to do it again and again.
But on the way up she would ride it normally...

Lucas and Bridget just rode up and down the street like nobody's business and then Bridget met up with some middle school boys and convinced them that she was faster than them and they actually raced each other. It was a sight for sure.

I feel so lucky to have good neighbors...and funny kids.

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