The Paaaatch!

Its a tradition for the lil' Witte's to get together and pick pumpkins. Hopefully when more Grown Witte's have kids they can join us in this tradition.

This year we went to the one by my house, for obvious reasons. :)

Since I don't have the patience or energy to get a perfect picture, this one is the one I picked for you to see.
Its somehow perfect to me. 

Then in the middle of me  yelling tricking them into looking at me there was this Gem.

Bridget is certainly a lot of things, but at the top of that list is Great Big Sister!

I let (using the word loosely here) the kids run around while we waited for Veronica and the kids.

While this was happening, Juliet begged to sit in the pumpkins...

For a reference Bridget and Scarlett wore this outfit the first time at the pumpkin patch too!
See here... Bridget (almost 1)  

and Scarlett (9 months)

eek SO cute!

Okay back to this visit!

Our Pumpkin Patch had the infamous Corn Box!

And the playground too!

Then Lue (Veronica's mom) came to help out since I am you know, slow now.

The kids got together to conquer the pumpkin mountain...

The kids each picked a pumpkin. 
Scarlett was so into this, she wanted to pick "a meelion amazing pump-a-kins"

Sydney and Juliet observed.

We were there for 2 solid hours of fun, and then the kids crashed.
I was grateful for the break.

I love this tradition, and look forward to it every year!

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