Post 4 - The Scariest

If you have noticed a lot of positive happy posts in the past its because I needed to sandwich this whopper between the good stuff. 

*note* this happened in the past - as of the date of this post things have been okay.
*note* this post is also graphic.

I had a rough morning with the kids, to make up for that I gave them extra attention and love after dinner. We tickle fought, we laughed, and we read what seemed like 100 books together. It was 7:40pm,  I got up to help them brush their teeth and started leaking, like a lot. I knew exactly what it was and went into the bathroom.  My suspicions were confirmed when I pulled down my pants and saw pools of blood.

I immediately called my go to ward/neighbor/friend who came over barefoot to help. I called Nathan who was at school to come home and then I almost fainted so I called 911. They told me to get off the toilet and lay down. They told me not to panic but my poor children were so scared after all the blood.

The ward/neighbor/friend  walked in and went to the kids. I am on the phone and the ambulance team and firetrucks came in to my house.  I was really scared. They checked my pants and he almost turned white. I asked "am I miscarrying?" no one would answer me.  I screamed out for Nathan who wasn't there yet.

Another neighbor and her husband came in and offered to take my kids. Nathan walked in as they were putting me on the scoop stretcher. I yelled at him to call his mom. I was paniking, I am not going to lie. After all that has happened this pregnancy I was so scared.

We get into the ambulance and more gushing, more blood. Nathan gets in the front and we head to the hospital. They had a really hard time getting a needle in me. I have 2 huge sores on my arm from the rural but faster road they took.

We get there and no one will say a word to me.

They check for a heartbeat after I demand someone check the baby. There was no heartbeat. My heart sank.
But- Nathan reminded me that even at 37 weeks they can NEVER find a heartbeat on the little doppler machines.  I say a prayer that everything was going to be alright.

The nurse checks me and before she could reposition me there was blood all over the place. Still. No. One. Would. Talk. To. Me.

I was empty. My tummy was flat. There was no signs of life. I thought it was all over. I looked at Nathan and said "I know the baby is going to be fine."

The OB gets there FINALLY at 9 and she looks very worried. She goes through all the previa maybe's and then the UltraSound Specialist walks in. He doesn't say anything to me and I burst into tears. He looked at me and then says "Oh, you probably want to hear this." It was the heartbeat. The OB looks and says the tests came back and you lost a lot of plasma and blood.

The tech said the amniotic fluid looked GREAT. The baby was fine.

I had a 35% rupture to the placenta which caused a lot of blood loss.  I needed 2 blood transfusions.

I hadn't eaten since 1pm and was starving.

They asked me to give them a urine sample and then I passed a 9 inch blood clot. I screamed. I thought it was the baby. Luckily. It wasn't.

I was very weak in the morning so they gave me one more 1/2 transfusion. I am on strict bed rest for the next  month - 6 weeks which will get me to viability...wheelchair and all. They hope to keep me pregnant till I hit 34 weeks.

I am allowed to be sitting, but limited walking.

It was the scariest experience, thus far.

The best thing about this whole night was that the firemen/paramedics stayed to clean up the bathroom and talked to my kids for 10 minutes about their jobs and that they were going to take care of me.


  1. What can I do to help? Should we get meals to you? How horrific!

    I wish you the best.

  2. Omy goodness Val. Stop being a secret keeper. Please let me help you in some way. Bed rest SUCKS. Feel better and I hope this is the last scary post for you. I was in tears reading this. :( Let me take your kids on Monday.

  3. :O hugs to you during this difficult time. Val, seriously call me even if it is to just cry it out. How hard this must be for you.

  4. I just can't imagine. I am crying and imagining how much this must be killing you. Good Luck

  5. Oh my goodness. I can't even imagine how scary that must have been. We'll keep you in our prayers for sure!!!!

  6. Oh, how scary. That reminded me a lot of when I miscarried, though I was just newly pregnant at the time. I'm so relieved and glad you and the baby are OK. I'll definitely keep you in my prayers also.

  7. Wish I was closer so I could help! I was on bedrest (for not quite as scary reasons) for 2 months...I feel your pain! We'll keep you in our prayers!

  8. Im so sorry you had to go through that! Im happy to hear everyone is doing well. Take care of yourself and let others serve you. Wish I was closer to help out in some way.

  9. SCARY!! So glad things got better. *Prayers!*

  10. Scary. I am thinking of you often. Sure wish I lived closer to you. I am glad all is well for now. I hope and pray you will keep that little Witte inside as long as possible.
