Adventures in Bedrest, week 3 and 4 and 5

These were from a while ago.
As I was walking too much yesterday and totally paying for it today...I have literally been in bed all day recuperating from the Halloween activity.

Nathan tries to do hair. At least it's out of her face.
This was taken on a bad day (for me), so he was trying to get everything done and just threw it up there.

Juliet was poopy. Bridget said she was going to take care of Juliet. Nathan came down and saw this...

Juliet was laughing and laughing and had ripped off her diaper and was just sitting there. Bridget had taken off the stinky diaper and wiped her with 400 wipes and attempted to put her diaper back on.  
Juliet knew where the flaws were and just RIPPED it right off.

I am really weird about where things go in my kitchen. I really like everything to have a place so my counters, windowsill, and sink are clutter free.  This is one of those times where I went upstairs and just shrugged my shoulders and asked Nathan to stop what he was doing and start working on the kitchen.

He made me laugh because like a typical man he said "I swear I JUST did the dishes last night." 
Uh, yeah. 6 people x 3 meals adds up. This is the one room that has to be kept up on.

 Luckily it was cleaned up in a flash, and everything was back to normal. Whew.

Since that day - the kitchen has never looked like that again. Haha.

Here is Scarlett with another fabulous 'do - except this one she did herself.

Bridget gets quiet time in the Living Room and if she reads 10 books for 20 minutes she gets 5 treats.
This has helped keep the peace when I can't leave the Family Room.

Lucas has been AWESOME.
He helps and keeps everyone happy and he insisted on making lunch one day...

He calls this rectangle lunch!
We ran out of bread so instead of calling someone to bring us some - we did this instead.

Then Nathan made white bread even though he couldn't eat it!

It was so good and even though I shouldn't have it either - I totally ate it and LOOOOVED it!

The kids and their annual Thursday movie night:

I am so glad we are keeping busy and trying to take it easy.
Only a few more weeks of  torture  bed rest and then it will be over --- hopefully.

I am grateful for the lessons I am asking for help, taking each day at a time, how to work the remotes without Nathan. Haha.

I feel blessed to have true friends in my life and all that entails.

I feel so lucky that I am able to be pregnant one more time and that it hasn't been too bad.

I also am grateful to be married to someone who is trying to keep me happy and do every little thing I as without complaint. I know I can be crazy and my schedule is difficult for some and I like things a certain way but he smiles and keeps doing it because he loves me. :) Thanks babe! 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I think I'm all caught up on everything. Thanks for re-inviting me! VAL!!! What can I do for you? Seriously, I'm SAHM now, and I can totally make some lasagna or cookies or something. Anything.

    I am so glad that everything is ok so far; we had some scares with Aidan, but NOTHING like what you've had.

    I'm glad you got a 2nd opinion about Bridget's eyes, and that she gets to wear pretty sweet eye patches.

    Your kids are so darn cute! I can't believe how fast they are growing up!!!
